Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Drift Seeds text captioned video trailer - April 26, 2016

Click here for our video trailer!

Video description: the camera pans over a clothesline on a sunny and breezy day. Behind the clothesline is a wooden fence. Fixed to the line with wooden clothespins are off-white fabric pieces, cut in large triangles. They are all printed and swaying in the wind with various bird and plant prints in earthy green, yellow, and copper colors. 

The audio voicover is subtitled and runs across the screen with the following text: (choir director speaks during first rehearsal) "The song is by composers Spy Denhomme-Welch and Catherine Magowan - there should be two pages..." (choir singing) "All the birds of the air. Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing. When they heard the bell toll for poor Rock Robin."

*  *. *
Red Dress Productions presents 
A poetic parody for people living in absurd times 

Friday June 9 & Saturday June 10 @ 7pm and Sunday June 11 @ 1pm
Winchester Park, Toronto

From Bleecker Street to Rose Avenue, and from Carlton Street to Wellesley Street, over 100 performers and artists across a spectrum of ages, abilities, and identities will come together to present a vibrant, multi-sensory theatrical production with elements of live description and integrated ASL performances to their communities.

Phone - 647-937-1470   Email - 

We aim to offer barrier-free arts programming. Please contact us if you have any access needs such as ASL interpretation or live/audio description.

Red Dress Productions produces original multi-disciplinary artwork that strives for innovation, inclusion, and excellence that elicits dialogue and creative exchange transforming community spaces with public art. Since 2005, Red Dress Productions has engaged 4000+ contributors creating 15+ community artwork projects, producing several original stage performances, and touring urban & rural Canada.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Employment Posting - Deadline April 26, 2017

Deadline: Wednesday April 26, 2017

Red Dress Productions is seeking 5 post-secondary students from May 1 to June 15, 2017 to support our community performance of Drift Seeds, and original outdoor play (with the possibility of work on other RDP projects beyond June 15.)
The positions are funded by HRSDC’s Canada Summer Jobs program. For all positions you MUST be a post-secondary student returning to school in the fall, and be under 30 years of age. Scheduling is variable and includes performances in the evenings and on weekends. Please read the “Eligible Participants” section on the web page:…/epb/yi/yep/prog…/scpp.shtml
Work will include:
• Participating in the Community Performance of Drift Seeds including performance, stage management, and making art objects
• Supporting the leadership in rehearsal and community art workshops
• Outreach activities and administrative tasks
• Workshop and rehearsal preparation including material and venue set-up and cleanup
• Team meetings and one-to-one meetings
• Hands-on support to project participants
• Other tasks based upon needs of the projects
• Working knowledge of another language (including ASL*) would be an asset

*Students who have a working knowledge of ASL will work with a team of Deaf performers and professional ASL-English interpreters towards interpreting the performance for a Deaf audience. This will involve focused rehearsal over 10 weeks under the guidance of Deaf performer Sage Willow. One goal of this project is to incorporate Deaf and disabled people into the performance and to create inclusive spaces for all.

• Be equity seeking and/or experience barriers to employment;
• Have an ability to work with a diversity of community members;
• Be interested in learning about community engagement and/or collaborative art;
• Be punctual, reliable, nonjudgmental, and conscientious.

Please submit an email application to with one attachment that includes: 1) A brief letter of interest telling us about why you’d like to work on this project and your artistic experience or interests and 2) Your resume, including two references.

The application deadline is Wednesday April 26, 5pm. 
Red Dress Productions produces original multi-disciplinary artwork that strives for innovation, inclusion and excellence that elicits dialogue and creative exchange, transforming community spaces with public art. Since 2005, Red Dress Productions has engaged 4000+ contributors creating 15+ community artwork projects, producing several original stage performances, and touring urban & rural Canada.